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D Link Dwa 131 Drivers For Mac

카테고리 없음

by wallgootfamer1972 2020. 3. 22. 18:09


Hello Furry, thx for your quick answer. I am using the Rev. B of the DWA 131 and the driver is this: The 2.3.2 Driver for Mac 04/09/15 Os X 10.10.5 has officially released yesterday and you should have an Update Sign on your App Store Symbol.

Dwa 131 Driver Download


Not sure what you mean with Mfr!? The router is from an Cable TV/Internet/Telephone Box that might not been used in the US. I am not sure what you mean with Wireless modes?


If you mean if i use 2.4 or 5 GHz. I cant see it. Might be 2.4 GhZ and There is no other WLAN that uses the same channel.

I wanted to plug my Wireless Adapter into an external 'plugin Box', but my macbook pro do not notice it if it is not directly on the USB of the macbook. This extender cable USB was from another WLAN stick, and the WLAN stick LED lightening with this extender on my macbook. But this model was not supporting os x. The LED only said that the macbook notice it and it works. There was no WLAN function. One LED said WLAN stick work, the other that i have WLAN connection and 2nd light was ´nt lightening.

The extender together with the DWA 131 nothing happening. Maybe there some who work with the DWA 131, but i have to find out it. That a USB extender cable work with Os X might not say that it work with the DWA 131.